Hey guys. Hopefully you are aware, if you've been coming, that today will be the last day for Fitness in the Park at Strother (for a little while at least). My Kennedy people can find me there on Sundays for Power at 8:05 or Group Fight at 9:15. I'm leaving Fridays and most Saturdays open for now to spend time with my parents up North. If anyone purchased a punch card within the last few months and you still have credits I will be contacting you separately for reimbursements.
It's been a great ride, and it's likely that I'll pick it up again so keep an eye out for more updates in the future. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Just keep moving my friends. If you are coming to Strong Nation Today at 9:00 feel free to bring something to share. We're having a low key brunch potluck. Love to you ALL!